「キットパス バイ アーティスト(エクル)」が第33回 日本文具大賞2024 グランプリ を受賞!

Kitpas by Artist 6 Colors Wins Grand Prix at the Japan Stationery of the Year Award 2024!

ダストレスチョークや「キットパス」などの製造販売を手掛ける日本理化学工業株式会社(川崎市高津区久地2-15-10、代表取締役社長: 大山隆久) は、第33回 日本文具大賞』サステナブル部門において、2月に発売した『キットパス バイ アーティスト(エクル)』が優秀賞に選ばれ、さらに7/3(水)の表彰式で優秀賞全15商品の中からグランプリを受賞しました。



kitpas by ARTISTのシリーズは、私たちが継続し発信する「楽がき」のコンセプトを基本に、あらゆるボーダーを超えたアーティストがキットパスで描くデザインを採用し協働する発展性のある商品です。




We have been honored with the Grand Prix in the Sustainable Category at the Japan Stationery of the Year Award 2024 for our product, "Kitpas by Artist 6 Colors," which was released in February, 2024.

The award ceremony took place on Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024 where our product, "Kitpas by Artist 6 Colors," was selected as the Grand Prix winner out of the 15 Excellence Award recipients.

 This is the second time for the Kitpus brand to win this award, after "Kitpas kids 12 Colors" won the Grand Prix in the functional category in 2009.

 The award recognizes the product for its special features, including Kitpas' water-erasable feature that encourages creativity, the use of artworks by artists with disabilities on the packaging contributing to social awareness, and its emphasis on diversity and equality.

The Kitpas by ARTIST series is a product we developed based on the "RAKUGAKI" concept we have long advocated. It is a forward-looking product that continues to promote collaboration with people from various backgrounds by incorporating designs drawn with Kitpas.

A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this series will be given back to the artists of the art.



『虹色のチョーク  知的障がい者と歩んだ町工場のキセキ』放送決定!